Monday, October 26, 2009

brush test

the brush test has revolutionised my dental practice. in just 1 months time, the brush test is doing wonders. its a painless test to detect oral cancer at a very early stage.
it has been helpful in preventing oral cancer in my practice. i suggest this test to all dentists and also recommend that every perso should undrgo a brush test every 6 months. this way all the possibilities of oral cancer developing can be eliminated.


  1. its a boon of medical science.....oral cancer is an epidemic n must be controlled n checked immediately.brush yest is indeed very very authentic strategy....
    hi5 doctor....carry on the good job.....

  2. hi kunjal
    its simple test where a special brush supplied by ORAL CDx is rubbed against the lesion till pin point bleeding is seen. then the contents of brush are transferred to slide and fixed. then its sent to the lab in USA.its totally painless
    let me knw if i can b of any other help
