Tuesday, June 12, 2012

DENTAL CARE FOR KIDS One of the most ignored segments of dentistry is kid’s care. Dentition of kids is as important as any adult. We see an absolute lack of dental awareness for kids among parents. Even if they know of the problem , very few parents are willing to spare that extra buck for the deciduous teeth of their kids. Every kid has twenty deciduous teeth and all of them are shed at some stage in life and are replaced by permanent dentition. Every one of these 20 teeth is important as good health of these teeth is vital for healthy permanent teeth . proper dental care for kids starts at the age of 6 months onwards. This is the age when the teething starts(approx). Kids start having irritation in their gums and have tendency to bite and munch on every thing. At this stage the gums of the kid should be wiped with a wet gauze . this gives relief to the kid. A child’s first visit to dentist should be at around the age of two years. From this time the kid should be acclemitized to the environment of a dental clinic. From this age topical fluoride application should be done for kids. This prevents caries. As the child grows his/her familiarity with the dental office increases. At the age of five years, the child should be taken for a thorough check up to dentist as this is the time when any defects can be corrected which might later affect the permanent dentition. IMPORTANT AGE LANDMARKS IN CHILD’S DENTAL CARE: 6 months teething happens. First deciduous teeth start erupting. Kids have gastric upset as well as pain in gums. A visit to dentist may be required. 2 years FIRST visit to dentist. Just to familiarize the child with dental office. There after a visit every six months is necessary. 5 years visit for a normal check up and fluoride application which may be started earlier at the advice of dentist. Kids should be taught to floss and brush twice a day 6 years this is the time when permanent teeth start erupting. Get a sealant on all erupting permanent molars as it prevents caries. There after a regular check up to ensure proper dental growth is required. Go for orthodontic treatment if required at the age of 10 years onwards. 10 years this is the age when orthodontic treatment can be safely started to correct any malalignments. WHAT PARENTS SHOULD DO? 1) Never threaten a child with the threat of injection. Never create a fear associated with dental pain in chid’s mind . 2) Parents should themselves brush twice a day in front of kids because kids always imitate their parents. 3) Tell your kids the disadvantages of eating chocolates and lots of sweets 4) Teach them how to floss 5) Instil good eating habits from beginning. 6) Visit your dentist every six months along with kids 7) Never offer chocolates as rewards 8) Tell them to brush everytime they eat chocolates or icecreams.